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Optimizing Storage, Archiving and backup for effective data management in Salesforce


In today's data-driven business landscape, effective data management is crucial for organizations to gain a competitive edge. Salesforce, the world's leading Customer Relationship Management (CRM) platform, provides a robust suite of tools and features to help businesses manage their data efficiently. However, as data volumes continue to grow exponentially, it becomes increasingly important to optimize storage, archiving, and backup processes to ensure data integrity, accessibility, and compliance. This article delves into the best practices and strategies for optimizing Salesforce data management, covering storage optimization, archiving techniques, and backup and recovery processes. With data volumes that are growing exponentially, that makes optimization of the processes of storage, archiving, and backup to guarantee integrity, easy access, and observance very much more important. The article discusses the best practices, together with strategies to optimize the management of Salesforce data, which covers optimization of storage, various techniques of archiving, and processes of backup and recovery.

Salesforce CRM is a cloud-based solution that helps businesses streamline their sales, service, and marketing processes. With the increasing data volume, storage, archiving, and backups become tasks that are drastically tough for organizations. Good management of data optimizes performance, reduces the severity of data loss, and assures meeting regulatory requirements.

Appropriate management of Salesforce data would ensure that a business thrives. Improper management of CRM data will be disastrous for the very business it is supposed to empower, instead of helping it.

But with the correct tools and strategies, data management can turn out to be the structure of success. In this write-up, we focus on why Salesforce data management is important, key elements in successful management, how to optimize management, and the best ways tech tools can work to bring the best results.

Your CRM is data-driven and how it harnesses the data is a challenge for the sales team, marketers, and administrators of CRM. In turn, well-organized and accurate data is a basis for effectual decision-making, efficient customer interaction, and business growth. End???? Effective management of Salesforce data is what the CRM strategy is built around.

Understanding these key ingredients of the Salesforce data model is important first before going any further in managing data within Salesforce. I mean fields, objects, records, relationships, and security issues. All these important places are held for proper organization and safety of your data; hence, an understanding of how they work hand in hand is important to effective data management.

A wide array of tech tools can be leavened into being optimized toward maximizing efficiencies in Salesforce data management. These tools may involve data loading, import/export processes, data quality and cleaning, data integration and automation, data analytics and reporting, governance on data, security over data, and data productivity. Such examples include Salesforce Data Loader, Tableau, Microsoft Power BI, Salesforce CRM Analytics, and Own Data.


Data modelling in Salesforce CRM involves structuring and presenting information in a manner that fits well with the CRM system. It is even like efficiently organizing the jigsaw puzzle pieces so that they create a smooth fitting. Alright, it is time to turn to the most essential elements of data modelling in Salesforce as a CRM system.

First, let’s define what data modelling means. Doing data modelling means translating business requirements into an actionable plan for designing, creating, and maintaining data. Remember the case with a box full of toys of various colours, shapes, and sizes. They may have many toys, and to avoid them getting mixed up, they are grouped into subcategories such as cars, dolls, and building blocks. Data modeling, by the same token, is also about classification and association of the various forms of information.

Fields: Fields are the atoms of data storage inside Salesforce. They are single discrete pieces of information, such as a contact's name an account's annual revenue, or case status. Field types are of various types of data. Fields can be text, numbers, dates, currency and so on. Knowing what field type to use, and how to use them effectively is integral to storing data in a way that is efficient for getting it out.

Objects: Objects are the basic elements of the data model inside Salesforce. They can be conceptualized as a collection of fields that can represent a specific account, contact, opportunity, or even custom objects that can be created against unique and specific business requirements. They define the structure and relationship on which the various data types are based so that the users can create, update, and query the records.

Records: Records are the individual instances of an object; each one represents a set of values for each field defined on that object. For example, a contact record might have a value for "First Name," a value for "Last Name," a value for "Email," and a value for "Phone Number." Records, in brief, are the basic building blocks for storing and/or distributing data within Salesforce.

Relationships: The relation describes how the various objects relate to each other. Different types of relationships is supported by salesforce like master-detail, look-up, and many-to-many, which enable users to create complex business scenarios, with data integrity ensured through referential integrity constraints. 

Security and Access Controls: Salesforce has developed equally powerful security and access control mechanisms to maintain both privacy in its data and the compliances it caters for across various industries. Some of the most striking ones are field-level security, object-level security, record-level access, and role-based access permissions. Great care should be exercised while configuring appropriate security settings for the sake of ensuring data integrity and safeguarding sensitive information.

The following major elements of the data model in Salesforce are meant to guide organizations on how to structure, organize and secure their data. This forms the core foundation on which effective management practices are built.


These best practices will go a long way in helping you maximize your Salesforce data and improve your business's bottom line:

  •  Data Governance Policies: One of the critical areas that cannot be overlooked is setting the necessary rules for handling data within Salesforce. Data governance prescribes the management roles, tasks, and activities conducted on the data within the organization. It has policies for data entry, access controls and contentious data problems among others. Thus, introducing rigorously established data governance policies allows maintaining the Salesforce data’s coherency, credibility, and compliance with standards.

  • Build a cross-functional data governance team: Formulate a cross-functional data governance team, with at least one representative from each business function, which would be responsible for ensuring that your data conforms to industry rules and regulations and meets the needs of individual departments. They should form guidelines on the relevance of data capturing frequency and updating, access rules, standards around data, and its ownership.

  • Develop a data security model: Depending on the size of your organization, select the right data security model that details who should view which fields/records/objects and to what extent they can edit it. Review and revision of the security model at a set time due to incoming alteration of regulations and internal needs periodically.

  • Regularly run deduplication: One of the things that can mess up sales and marketing is duplicate data. This can easily happen when the input staff is not so diligent or is poorly trained. This kind of duplication will let a redundant amount of information pass through into the system, and it will be difficult for everyone to know the errors in data. Duplication should be run, at least, during single-record entries and in mass imports/uploads.

  • Standardize your data in a continuous process: Standardization will give you more accurate reporting, so standardize your data. Picklist fields should be used wherever possible, and the standardization actions must be applied for those key reporting elements. Validation rules should be put in place that check or validate the data integrity. Make sure that any data that a user enters meets the standard specified. Adding a balance to the number of mandatory fields/validations strikes the right balance for user adoption in a way that enhances the user experience without compromising data quality.

  • Backup planning:  A data backup strategy helps prevent the consequences of data inaccuracies, unplanned changes, or data loss. Manual data backup options are available in Salesforce, and more options can be provided by third-party applications to help you with that. Make sure you backup your data frequently to keep it secured and safe from different data disasters.

  • Refresh and validate your data: Job changes, company changes, and contacts changes. Activate solutions of data enrichment or clean your databases to deliver accuracy in data. Use contact verification software to verify if email addresses are in real-time and to eliminate bad contacts. Refresh your data on a routine basis to keep up to date.

  • Publish your data processes: Educate your users about data best practices and make that documentation easily accessible. Use field-level 'help bubbles' to remind the user of each field's purpose and data entry best practice. Monitor and report on data entry patterns so that you can identify areas of improvement and automation that can improve the quality and user experience.


Understanding Salesforce Storage Limits

Salesforce, depending on the CRM edition and user licenses, determines its storage space. Knowing these boundaries is important while planning for and managing your storage effectively. There are two main types of storage: data storage and file storage with different purposes and limitations.

Understanding Salesforce Storage Options

Salesforce offers various storage alternatives to meet different data requirements. Among the storage alternatives are Standard Object Storage, File Storage, and Big Object Storage. The right selection of storage respecting the data requirements can significantly impact performance, cost, and scalability.

Standard Object Storage

Standard Object Storage is the default storage option for data accessed at high frequencies, like accounts, contacts, and opportunities. It is high-performing with real-time data access, making this class of storage suitable for extremely critical applications.

An Example in Real-time: By using Standard Object Storage, real-time access and information updates related to customers, opportunities, and activities will be made smooth by the sales team, leading to better efficiency in delivering customer operations.

File Storage

Due to the large attachments and documents, File Storage reduces the load on Standard Object Storage and improves the overall performance. File Storage is suitable for organizations dealing with heavy volumes of large documents, such as contracts, proposals, or marketing materials.

Case in Point: A legal firm can use File Storage to keep its customer contracts, legal documents, and case files. This way, the best document management is ensured for them while making the most vital information accessible immediately.

Big Object Storage

Big Object Storage can be used within the provision for storage and management of big binary files like videos or high-resolution images. It offers ways of cost-effective and scalable storage for big organizations with large multimedia or big file loads.

Real-life Example: A media company using Big Object Storage could utilize storing and managing all its high-resolution videos, images, and other multimedia assets to enable effective content management and distribution of this content.

Monitoring and Optimization

Monitoring the consumption of storage and performance is a regular task to optimize Salesforce storage. Organizations can have an evaluation of metrics on the pattern of data usage and thereby tweak around settings, apply an archiving strategy, and make use of the right mix of storage options, thereby optimising performance and costs.

Strategies for Reducing Data Storage Usage

  • Data Cleansing: Regularly clean your data by removing duplicates, outdated records, and irrelevant information.

  • Field Usage Optimization: Utilize efficient field types and avoid unnecessary fields.

  • Archiving Inactive Records: Move inactive or less frequently accessed records to an external archive to free up space.

  • Utilizing External Storage Solutions: Integrating Salesforce with external storage solutions like Amazon S3, Google Cloud Storage, or Microsoft Azure can help manage large volumes of data efficiently. These platforms offer scalable and cost-effective storage options, ensuring that Salesforce storage limits are not a bottleneck.

  • Leveraging Salesforce Data Loader: Bulk import/export of data is made possible by Salesforce Data Loader. This tool helps in the effective management of high volumes of data leaving only the necessary parts in the confines of Salesforce’s environment.


Data archiving is a process of moving inactive data out of production to secondary storage locations for long-term preservation. Building up a strategy for archiving Salesforce data is significant about compliance requirements, great system performance, lesser storage costs, etc. The sub-topic of data archiving has been discussed in this paper: data archiving, the benefits, the best practices associated with it, the step-by-step procedure followed, tools, current scope, and future scope of data archiving in Salesforce.

What is Data Archiving and Why is it Important?

Data archiving is the method of programmatically moving data, which would be historic or not accessed very frequently, from primary storage locations to secondary locations for long-term preservation. It helps organizations cut storage costs, enhance system performance, reduce risk exposure, and comply with regulations. Proper data archiving is therefore important in handling data growth, optimizing storage utilization, and ensuring data integrity.

Benefits of Data Archiving

Data archiving offers several benefits for organizations. They include the following:

  • Reduced storage costs: Archiving dormant data frees up valuable storage space, allowing organizations to optimize storage usage and reduce associated costs.

  • Improved system performance: In the case of dormant data, data archiving removes this data from the production environments, giving obvious improvements to system performance.

  • Minimized risk exposure: Archiving reduces the exposure to risk due to data loss and data corruption. Critical data is stored off-premises in a safe location that offers the ability to be quickly recovered.

  • Regulatory compliance: Archiving will help organizations to meet data retention requirements and provide support to ensure compliance with industry regulations and policies.

Best Practices for Data Archiving

For your data archiving strategy to be completely effective, you may wish to consider some of the following best practices:

  • Automate archiving capabilities: Implement automated processes so that data can be archived in secondary locations to free up the primary data location, hence minimizing manual labour and making archiving consistent.

  • Ensure data is stored securely: It relates to securing data from unauthorized access or change. Archiving data should be encrypted and structured with access control.

  • Ensure data utility: Maintain the accessibility of archived data so that the archived data will always be retrievable; therefore, appropriate permission needs to be granted to users and for data retrieval and analysis, the integration of external applications or tools.

  • Monitoring of archiving activity: Regularly monitor the data to keep a constant watch on the activity of archiving, data usage, and archival storage. It will assist in realizing progress toward business needs and will help optimize the business archiving solution.

  • Define archiving policies: Set clear policies on archiving and retention periods for different types of data. This helps to move data into archive storage at the right time limited by regulatory compliance and business requirements.

Step-by-Step Procedure for Effective Data Archiving in Salesforce

To implement an effective data archiving plan in Salesforce, follow these steps:

  • Identify data to archive: Analyze your data to identify records or objects that can be moved to archive storage. The factors that should be considered include data age, activity, relevance, and regulatory requirements.

  • Define retention periods: Archiving data means that it should be retained for a defined period that is mandated by legal, compliance, or business requirements.

  • Archive Storage:  Explore different options for archive storage which includes the planning of options, such as cloud-based storage, placing data in external databases, or a data lake. This selected approach must be consistent with one's security and scalability at that period.

  • Develop a process for archiving: Establish automated processes to move data from production environments to archive storage based on predefined rules and schedules.

  • Ensure data integrity: Verify archived data’s accuracy and completeness must be ensured before archiving and data integrity throughout the entire process of archiving.

  • Implement access controls: Proper measures should be taken to ensure that there are appropriate access controls that ensure only authorized access, in terms of retrieving and modifying archived data.

  • Monitor and optimize: Regularly monitor review and optimize your data archiving processes along with changing business needs and compliance requirements.

Quite a few options in respect of data archiving within Salesforce can be observed. Some known options include OwnData, ArchiveOnCloud (AOC), DataArchive, BigObjects, and solutions built custom with the help of capabilities offered by Salesforce itself—external objects, data replication, or ETL tools.

With data volumes growing exponentially, the need for efficient archiving of data will only rise. Different organizations will find the need for robust and scalable data archiving tools that can manage massive data sets and ensure the organization remains compliant with changing regulations. Advancements in AI and machine learning may be in place to automate archiving processes and enhance data retrieval and analysis capabilities.


Data backup is a critical aspect of managing data in the system. Data backups will prevent loss, corruption, or even accidental changes to data. This section discusses the importance of data backup in Salesforce, options, and strategies for performing backup, data backup, and recovery tools, and the several ways of performing such backups from the environmental and internal systems of an organization.

Data Backup is essential for disaster recovery and ensuring business continuity in the event of data loss or system failures. Salesforce provides multiple backup and recovery options to safeguard valuable data and minimize downtime.

On Salesforce there are several options available for weekly data export services, automated backup services, and interfacing with third-party backup solutions. Of these, the availability is such that the differing frequency levels, capability of recovery, and changes exactly.

Real-time Example: A bank can confidently possess a robust backup and recovery mechanism through the automated functionalities of Salesforce, along with other third-party backup and recovery modules to ensure the safety and availability of valuable customer information and financial records.

To ensure effective backup and recovery processes in Salesforce, organizations should follow best practices such as:

• Implement regular backup schedules as per the volumes of data and the nature of the business.

An incremental backup of the database is automatically created. •. Automated functions can create a current data image in just a matter of seconds. • Utilizing Salesforce's weekly data export service or automated backup services to back up the data on Salesforce. • Third-party solutions can provide more advanced capabilities for backup and recovery. Among others, key features may be closer to, including incremental backups and point-in-time recovery. • Periodically backup and restore Sandbox and production Salesforce Organization and test for quality-checking use cases • Backup the data in an ensured different geographic location, both on-premises and through the cloud, to ensure data recovery in the incidence of a rare disaster event-related data loss

Importance of Data Backup in Salesforce

Data backup is essential for ensuring data protection, business continuity, regulatory compliance, and disaster recovery. It provides a safety net in case of accidental data loss, human errors, system failures, or cybersecurity incidents. By regularly backing up data, organizations can minimize downtime, maintain data integrity, and quickly recover from data disasters.

Backup Options and Strategies

While working on the data backup in Salesforce, the organizations can choose from a variety of options and strategies comprising:

  • Manual backups: Salesforce provides options for manual backups at regular intervals. The users can schedule a data backup once a week, or they can manually take backup when it comes to overtime before the significant data projects.

  • Third-party backup solutions: Many third-party applications and services are available through the Salesforce AppExchange, offering more advanced features for backup and recovery. These applications provide additional options for automated backups, granular recovery, and replication of data to external systems.

  • Incremental backups: Instead of taking a backup of the complete set of data, the organization can take an incremental backup so that only changed data since the last backup is captured. This way, the time taken, and the storage required to create the backups is minimized.

Best Practices for Data Backup

  • Regular Backup Schedule: Have automated backups run every day or week to have the latest copies of your data.

  • Evaluate Your Backups: Regularly restore your backup to ascertain that in case of an emergency, the data can be recovered with success.

  • Secure Storage: Keep backups in a safe place away from where you operate such that in case of physical disasters or cyber threats, data is not lost.

  • Managing Large Data Volumes in Salesforce

  • Using Salesforce Big Objects:  Big Objects are designed well to know that they will handle a huge number of records and still maintain good performance. They are best suited for storing historical data whose retrieval is less frequent. Query performance and storage management can be considerably improved through effective partitioning and indexing. To optimize data retrieval, use custom indexes and selective filters.

  • Data Masking and Encryption: It is important to ensure that sensitive data is protected through data masking and encryption. Salesforce Shield has strong measures for securing data at rest or in transit.

  • Optimizing Reports and Dashboards: Customizing Reports for Performance: To extract the specific information, customize your reports. In addition, utilize filters, summary fields, as well as conditional formatting to aid in creating efficient and meaningful reports.

Reducing Dashboard Load Times: Dashboards should be optimized by reducing the number of reports per dashboard, using smaller datasets, and scheduling dashboard refreshes during off-peak hours.

Tools for Data Backup and Recovery

Several tools and services are available for data backup and recovery in Salesforce. Some popular options include:

  • OwnBackup: OwnBackup provides a comprehensive all-in-one solution to back up and recover data, metadata, and attachments in Salesforce. It comprises automated daily and incremental backup mechanisms, and granular recovery, and ensures integration with other applications in AppExchange.

  • Spanning: Spanning offers cloud-to-cloud backup and recovery, protecting users from data loss because of user error, malicious intent, or technical failure. It provides daily automated backups, one-click data recovery, and security for metadata, attachments, and custom objects.

  • Other third-party solutions: There are several other third-party backup solutions available on Salesforce AppExchange besides the ones discussed above on the Salesforce AppExchange, examples include CloudAlly, Odaseva, Backupify, and Commvault. These solutions provide a host of features for backing up data, recovering data, and archiving it.

Different Ways of Data Backup from Internal and External Systems

In addition to Salesforce-specific backup solutions, organizations can also perform data backups from internal and external systems. This includes:

  • Data replication: Replicating Salesforce data onto external databases, data lakes or data warehouses through ETL (Extract, Transform, Load) tools or integration platforms. This will provide organizations with an additional layer of backup allowing them, at the same time, to analyze data through their external reporting and analytics tools.

  • External system backups: If your Salesforce data is integrated with other applications or systems, run the backups in those systems also. This will help you establish consistency in its data for the recovery from any data loss or system failure.


In conclusion, effective data management in Salesforce CRM is indispensable for businesses aiming to make informed decisions, optimize interactions with customers, and ensure business growth. By understanding the key components of Salesforce data management and implementing best practices such as building cross-functional data governance teams, training users on data best practices, and leveraging tech tools for efficient data management, organizations can maximize the efficiency of their storage, archiving, and backup processes. It is essential to develop a Salesforce data archiving plan, utilizing tools and solutions available for data archiving, and staying informed about the current and future scope for data archiving in Salesforce. Similarly, prioritizing data backup options and strategies, as well as implementing effective data archiving procedures, are crucial for ensuring data protection, business continuity, and regulatory compliance. As data volumes continue to grow, the need for efficient storage, archiving, and backup solutions will only increase, making it imperative for businesses to stay abreast of advancements in data management tools and strategies.


Q: What are the different storage offerings provided by Salesforce?

A: Salesforce offers Standard Object Storage, File Storage, and Big Object Storage.

Q: How do I select the appropriate storage for my organization?

A: Depending on the types of data utilized, access pattern, performance expectations, and expense, you can opt for one of these: either Standard Object Storage, File Storage, or else Big Object Storage. Beneath are the detailed descriptions:

Standard Object Storage: Good for data accessed very frequently.

File Storage: If large attachments and document types are used.

Big Object Storage: If binary files for high-resolution images or videos are used.

Q: What is data archiving, and why is it important?

A: Data archiving is the process of moving inactive or historical data off the primary storage, clearing space on the storage, and yet providing data access and retention in a compliant manner with the predetermined regulations. It helps to save on storage, lower costs, and maintain data integrity.

Q: What backup and recovery solutions does Salesforce provide?

A: Some of the measures that Salesforce subjects its tools to include a weekly export service, automated services, and third-party integration in ensuring that valuable data is therefore safeguarded and in the event of any loss of data or systems, it does not in any way affect the smooth running of business activities.

Q: How often should I back up my Salesforce data?

A: The backup frequency should be determined based on your organization's data volumes, business requirements, and risk tolerance. Regular backups, such as weekly or monthly, are recommended to minimize data loss and ensure timely recovery in case of incidents.

Q: What is Salesforce CRM?

A: Salesforce CRM is a cloud-based customer relationship management platform that helps businesses for managing sales, service, marketing, and customer interaction of business in a much more efficient way.

Q: How can I reduce storage usage in Salesforce?

A: You can reduce storage usage by cleaning up data, optimizing field usage, archiving inactive records, and leveraging external storage solutions.

Q: What tools are available for archiving Salesforce data?

A: Some of the available tools include OwnBackup Archive, and Spanning Backup, which provide automated, robustly managed options.

Q: Why is data backup important in Salesforce?

A: Data backup is crucial to protect against data loss from accidental deletion, system failures, or malicious attacks, ensuring business continuity and data integrity.

Q: What are Salesforce's Big Objects?

A: Salesforce Big Objects are designed to handle large volumes of data while maintaining performance, ideal for storing historical data that isn’t frequently accessed.

Q: How can I optimize Salesforce reports and dashboards?

A: Customize reports to retrieve only necessary data, use filters and summary fields, limit the number of reports per dashboard, and schedule dashboard refreshments during off-peak hours.


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